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One Piece Toilet

 /  제품 /  원피스 화장실

Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets

공장 최저 가격 세라믹 원피스 Inodoros 화장실 및 싱크대 욕실 받침대 분지 세트

  • 소개
생산물 기술
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets supplier
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets supplier
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets supplier
Factory Lowest Price Ceramic One Piece Inodoros toilets and sinks bathroom Pedestal Basin Sets factory
상품 이름
사이펀 원피스 화장실
제품 크기
660*380*680 밀리미터
설치 방법
바닥 장착
물 소비량
플러시 당 3-6L (0.79-1.58Gallons)
포함된 구성품
시트 커버 및 플러시 피팅
5개의 층 판지 또는 깔판
원래 장소
배수 패턴
S-트랩: 300mm
100% 공장 검사, 공기 누출 없음 및 누수 없음, 크기는 설명과 일치합니다.
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